Monday, September 17, 2007


I've realised I've made it clear to most that I'm not a practising Muslim, and I doubt very much that I am actually a follower of the faith.
(This doesn't mean I'm an atheist or a God hater...
Quite the contrary, I have a fierce belief in God...
I just don't know how to reach out to Him yet.)

Last night, as I held my hands up to pray at the table with the family (they don't know yet), the following prayer was recited
"Allah hummaghfir lana, waa li waalidayna.
Rabbir ham huma kama rabbayaani sagheera."
Now, I've been reciting this prayer over and over many times in the past few years.
It's a prayer for parents.

The thing is, I don't actually know what the prayer means...
So, I feel weird reciting a Muslim prayer.
I'd rather say the translation, which wouldn't make me feel so weird.
I mean, why recite a Muslim prayer, if you're claiming that you don't feel like one?
Weird, no?

So, that's why I'm asking anyone to help translate this for me.
I'd still very much like to pray for my parents, especially when they piss me off.
Which is more often, than not.

(It sounds weird that I'm asking for a translation of THAT prayer, and I can't just say what's in my heart.
But, I like chanting stuff, over and over again.
And, if everytime I feel like praying for my parents I have to say, "Please God, grant my parents a place in Heaven. and don't give them too much hardship in this world or the next. oh and please keep them happy. oh and ... etc etc"
Then it loses the effect.)

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