Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ness.

So I turned Twenty One two weeks ago today.

A bittersweet day, that in a few months' time will blur into just sensory memories of Good and Bad.

The week before, Deep and I had decided it was best to call it quits.
I spent the weekend weeping, out of helplessness... Who could I turn to (who wouldn't say "I told you so..."), why did I let it get this far...?

Sometimes it's best not to ask questions, and just cry and get it out of your system.
...Sometimes, that method doesn't work.

Especially, when you're fighting a losing battle with your family, and Deep was one person who could take an objective view and help you, rather than belittle you and laugh at you.
Mi hermana mayor and I hadn't been speaking since Snow Week.
No major reason, just the general build up of negativity.
It had been brewing since Bangladesh... or maybe before?

Mother, the day after my Birthday, arranged a counselling session with her best friend (who's also my Boss) to sort out my issues.
Glad it took you only 21 years to realise that I have feelings, too.

The fact that Mi HErmana mayor made such a big song and dance out of throwing me a surprise party pissed me off, too.
...and it meant that I had to try and be nice to her, otherwise, as usual I'd be the arse.

The night before my birthday was spent with the girls at Pizza Express.
Food, and lots of chatting.
Absolutely bullshit, but we had fun.
...and we bonded.
Schmymes finally met Kenan after so long!
Two of my closest friends were together in the same room to celebrate my birthday.
Just reading that back is strange.
Why would people want to celebrate my birth, my life, me?!
Sincerely... may I add.

It was a very loving night.

My actual birthday, I spent at work.
I dressed up pretty, and went in, no expecting anything.
I actually was gong to ask if we could eat lunch together, but I didn't get a chance, because my colleagues got together with a present and chocolate cake and walked in to the office.

It was a really lovely day.
I enjoy working where I do.
My colleagues are my friends.
I care for them, and they care for me.
It's a family, almost.

Walking back home, I really thought it was the end of my celebrations.
I called up Kenan, just for a chat.
Walked in, put my keys on the washing machine, and was ready to run to the loo; phone still stuck to my ear...
My dad stopped me and said "I think they want you to go to the living room", the living room door, I noticed, was closed.
Realisation swept through my entire body.
Why the fuck?!
I grumbled and walked in.
I did not expect, in a million years, to see Wazowski, nor Schmymes.
All the negativity left my body for the few minutes in which I was basking in the love of my friends.
Then I see ma soeur ainee at the table, with all the food she had made.
I felt so much rage, but all I could do was force a smile.

I've already said that I don't appreciate the FakeNess.
...but I did get to spend my milestone birthday with those who love me, and those who I care for...
So what if I didn't go out on a piss?

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