So, we decided to meet up today.
Grumpster and I.
...but he had to shoot off to court.
Yes, I have a thing for people who have an invisible chain that drags them to the courts all the time.
So, I went and had a wax.
A bit more pleasurable than usual;
Sally touched my clit, and then pressed into it each time she ripped out more hairs...
Hers fingers gently stroked against it whilst she worked on my lips.
I think she was doing it on purpose, because I knew I was wetter than usual.
She did my ArseCrack really weird, too.
It felt like she was ringing my sphincter, as if to tickle it.
On a normal day, I have to change my knickers after a wax session.
Today, I had to peel my knickers off because I was so wet.
I decided to get my hair cut today, too.
Just because I was walking past Kenan's hairdresser.
I walked up the steps, and in a matter of seconds I was leaning against the sink and having bosoms thrust in my face, whilst the lady washed my hair.
I only wanted a bit of a trim and shape put back in...
I really didn't want to change it much.
I mentioned how it had become a mop and was really heavy.
She said she'd thin it out...
My hair is now short and really thin.
But I like it.
I then walked back into Town.
I was meant to go to New Look for a new pair of Pumps.
Instead, I went for Sushi...
...on my own, may I add?
I've always found it hard to dine on my own.
...but a place like Basaba or Yo! Sushi makes it quite fun.
I'd never sit down at KFC on my own, though.
I managed to do a Mind Map for BAYS and sort out some paperwork.
Things I didn't need to do, but felt I had to, right at that moment in time.
Vatti called then, and I gave some blasé story...
I realised, I had only meant to pop out for an hour... It had been three.
I paid, and left.
...and lied.
I said I'd take the next bus back, when in fact my feet were taking me towards New Look.
A cardigan, strapless dress, pumps and bags of SuperDrugs and Boots goodies later, I was waiting at the bus stop.
I pulled the cardi out of the bag, and put it on straight away.
Bright Pink.
I ran up the stairs as soon as I got home.
My neon pink heels.
I hadn't touched them since I bought them.
I laid them out in front of the mirror, and I stripped.
Clips, socks, nail varnish.
The heels were too bright to battle with anything else, but my body.
I slowly started to put on the different clothes I had accumulated in the past Summer months.
I cloaked myself in Vanity, and the camera started flashing.

I texted Quasi... and read that I arranged to meet up with him on Friday night.
Spend the night.
It won't happen, and I never would ask something like that, but today Impulse took over.
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