Saturday, June 23, 2007


I've finished.
My A Levels, the bitch of my life, it's all over.

What an emotional day it was yesterday.
Spanish written, being the most hardest topic to revise for and do, i found my eyes getting teary every other minute.
I woke up several times in the night during the week, fearing the spanish exam, not the other exams i had during that week... Just the Spanish one.
The morning of the exam I woke up three hours early and I thought I'd get a case of the runs, I had to take 3 Kalms tablets, eat a banana and tried to force myself back to sleep.
I then decided to pleasure myself and see if that got rid of the feeling. No, it didn't. My exhaustion and stress lead me to use no effort at all, and so even though I had just started to excite my nether regions, I decided it would be no good for a bully wank now.

I went to college at 9, and I found my breathing becoming shallow and my tear ducts working again. I rushed to the library, and had a good cry.
This wasn't tears of me never going back to college, it was tears of pure fear.
I don't know how I lasted till 1pm, but I managed to relax a little and even eat.

Do you know what? It was a waste, the questions were general and I blagged for all I was worth and even managed to get in some dates and quotes. So, hopefully, I'm still right in hoping for an A.

So, on August 16th, I am expecting BBE, but I'm hoping for AAD...

And no, there's no more resits after this. Thank God for that!

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