Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh.. er, Hello. I forgot this place existed...

I'm horrible.
I neglected my Blog.


But, I'm back now, and hope to blog a bit more regularly than I have so in the past.

So, I guess a catch up is in order?

Well, this year hasn't been good to me.

As I've mentioned before, I've had two bereavements, the family had a financial crisis, i had (and am still having) issues/doubts/worries about my life and so i dropped out of uni and now I'm going to work for a year, I stopped speaking to Kumar for a good three months.
Oh, and the usual "Where do I stand" problem with Quasimodo.

I don't understand how things got so bad with Kumar... Just that slowly, one thing after another, she began to annoy me... and so I avoided her. Which annoyed her...
...then after a month of not talking to each other, she just came out with "I guess that's the end of our friendship"...
..and she acted like it was the end of a relationship, she asked for all her things back, and she started giving bits and pieces of my stuff back...
She also became petty, and used Facebook to show that she was living life without me.
The girl, that I basically was surgically attachd to for three years, had moved on and I was left with nothing, it seemed.
I guess it felt like that, 'cause of all my family problems, and i had no job and nothing to do with my time anymore.

But Kenan was there for me, and so was Shmeegal.. so I managed fine.
...and I ended up getting a permanent job; I teach KS1 children at a supplementary weekend school... I can't wait to go back in October.

Quasimodo became immensely busy; expected.
Wedding Season and all...
He became an M.D of a Law Firm, as well... So is now more busier than he used to be.
To be honest, with everything going wrong this year, I think by January it's all going to go downhill for us...
I wish it didn't.
I think I love him.

I spent a month in Bangladesh...
How I let myself get on that plane, I do not know..
I guess, 'cause I was busy taking care of mum, I kind of forgot that it was Bangladesh I was going to.
Oh, yea... Mum had a collapsed lung.
Scariest Shit in my life.
I thought she was going to die. Seriously.
..but she's a soldier, and the day she came back from hospital she started cleaning up again.
Stupid Lady.

Bangladesh itself was alright.
Better than I expected, but I still cried most nights.
There's an 18/19 year old boy over tehre who thinks I'm his girlfriend.
I think it was hte most expensive holiday, ever.
We spent atleast 500 a day! Pounds, not Takas...

I've started speaking to MakaVeli again.
Oh. Dear.
He gives me attention, when I want it.
It's on tap.
...But he never makes me come as well as Quasi...
I've also started speaking a lot to Taylor. He's so Yummy.
I find myself fancying him a lot these days. ...and he knows it.
If only he didn't have issues like I did ('Modo style issues) then I would try to take it further.
Blatantly, I just want to lick his face.

Ma Soeur Ainee and I have been geting much better...
I think she classes me as a friend... I don't know.
But, it's been helpful, especially with this Kumar business.
Kenan's been amazing as well.

TrouserSnake, on the other hand, has cut off all contact with me as well.

2008 has not been kind to me, at all.