Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lack of Food and Sleep = Hyperness leading to Tiredness...

Fasting hasn't had any affect on me, that normal people experience...
i've not been hungry, or thirsty (okeys maybe a little, but it's the same hunger i experience every morning at 11am when my lessons are getttin borrrrring)...
i've had the few random thoughts, and urges to swear... but all in all, it's fine...
except for, i'm abnormally tired these days...
morning and evening i am SHATTERED, but randomly in the afternoon i start gettin really hyper... *blushes*
it's reallly bad...

but yea, that reminds me! that's why i haven't blogged yesterday or today... Just been soo tired, and when i've been hyper, i've been in the kitchen making food and messing around with MeMe...

anyways, my prayer for yesterday was for Allah to give me the strength to do the greater of good and lesser of evil... if that made sense...
you know like... instead of just doing good instead of evil... i want to do the REALLLYYY good stuff, instead of just a little bit good stuff...
and if i give in to the Shaaytan and do evil, i'd rather do a tiny evil deed rather than a normal or BIG evil deed...

My prayer for today is, Allah please shower your
blessings upon my family... My papa especially... every morning he wakes up
really early to drop me off to college, and some days he wakes up when he
doesn't need to, and so wastes his sleep time... and to top it all off, he NEVER

I pray that Allah grants him one of the best places
in Jannah in the afterlife, and that in this life he doesn't face as much
struggle and bad stuff as he has done.

I also pray that my family could be one big happy
family again...Ameen....

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