Saturday, September 09, 2006

the Man eater...

During the past few years of my adolescent life i have gone through "liking" guys like changing my socks...
The first proper guy was Rock-ad*, then his mate Sheep*...
Then we moved onto (gosh, i can't even remember his name!) but the guy from bangladesh, we'll call him M... shortly after him there was Anik...That was one of the longest i think...
Then we had Junoon*, (who i thought was my "first proper crush" LMAO!)... and after that... it was Shaf* - the person who confuzzled me totally... after him it was Sweb*... a little bit of Goofy* ...then there was that thing with Shaun - didn't last too long...
and that was from the start to finish of my School...
Then came college, and to begin it i had M-Ash*... i slowly began to forget about Shaf... i had important things to do, people to meet, and parties to attend... RBoy*, Paresh*, Nas*...
and then i met TV*... we spoke for hours on end... and everything slowed down, i was happy talking to one or 2 people, not a kajillion peoples who's names i wouldn't remember... he was sensitive, caring, kinda negative... but different to most guys... i said no to him...
and carried on with my man eaterish ways... there was Himmat*, Snake* & Taylor*... i developed my relationship with RBoy*... to the point where i almost got him to say he DID like me... but i was cast away like an old toy, when he met a girl who couldn't spread stuff about him in the city...
My hunger still hadn't been satisfied, i wanted and wanted, one boy after the next...
now, i didn't even care about their names, or what their favourite cartoons were, i just needed them to say it... to say that they wanted me...
Summer came and with it came opportunities to meet more guys... there was Mohammed*, Ray* and so many more...

Melas one after the other, Meals at posh restaurents, Nights out in town, Msn conversations lasting until 3am...
when will it end???

When will i meet the one who puts a stop to my cravings...?
He won't ruin me.. i've been ruined long ago...
People are just only begining to see this "secret" side of me now...

*Names have been changed in order to keep peoples identities anonymous...

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