Sunday, September 17, 2006

Strepsils & Tongue = Panicked Brother...

The whole household have been arguing today,
me with my little sister,
little sister with dad
dad with little brother
little sister with little brother
dad with big sister
etc etc...

and so i found my little brother hidden under the table in a mood..
i went to play with him, and he started attacking me with his legs... My older sister joined us.. and started to stroke his cheeks, only to have her earrings yanked out...
so i went out the room, pretending to be moody... when i had an idea... he'll forget about being moody, if i tell him i'm dying (me and my brother are realllly close, although there's an 11 year old age gap)...
Due to my sore throat, i've been sucking on red strepsils all day (in between downing hot hot lemon tea) and so my tongue looks horrrribbbllleeee and incredibly red!

I ran back into the kitchen calling out his name, and acting really worried...
"My tongues bleeding Meme!"
Immediately, he rushed out to have a look... he said he couldn't find the cut, and i didn't think he was buying it...
"Meme, i can taste blood"
he dashed for the sink, grabbed a dirty glass and started to fill it with water...
i gave him a clean cup, cause i didn't want him to put dirty water in my mouth...
he spent about 10 minutes pouring water on my tongue...
and then we went to check my tongue in the mirror...

[My tongue after having mugs and mugs of water poued on it...]

It looked pink, and my older sister was telling him that i was lying...

i then asked him to check my breathe
(me and him play a game, where we breathe into each others' nose, whoever has hte smelliest breath wins... - yes, it's gross, but i don't really breathe on his nose... and when he breathes i try really hard not to inhale)
he put his nose near my tongue, almost touching it...
inhaled and said
"it smells candy"...

Bless him... for a while we were happy again, he was probably relieved that his best friend wasn't dying.
and then he clocks on... "heeey, you tricked me!"

Again, he's being moody with me and hitting me...

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