Wednesday, September 13, 2006

ToM why won't you visit me?!?!

I have 2 psychology essay plans that i need to do by 9am tomorrow morning - like that's gonna happen.
I have a spanish translation to do of some english newspaper talking about the civil war in spain... If i wanted to do history, i would've done it in ENGLISH!
Mimi (one of my best mates) has abandoned me and gone to London to party for the week.... Mumu (my childhood best mate) is busy getting ready for Uni in Cardiff....

I am a loner...
Wearing my kurta tops, pashminas and rolled up jeans, carrying my over the shoulder bag full of useless junk and my folder, i walk around college... on my own...

When i come home, i like to sit in the bathroom... and just sit...
If my parents force me to come out, i like to be in the kitchen on my own and do the washing up..
I find a great sense of relief, somehow, from washing up and cleaning.
but i mostly like to just sit...

The She-Devils who live with me, feel the need to pester me constantly, and speak total utter shit...
They speak about the same things that the people at college speak about - Fashion, The other sex, Fashion, Relationships, Fashion....
*bangs head repeatedly against the wall*

I don't wanna knoooowwwwwwww!!!!

"Can i go on the computer?"
Can't they see that i'm busy staring blankly at the monitor ?! Why must they disturb me???
"Can you look after my bags?"
Can't they see that i'm gonna be in the library - the place in college that they don't know about....?!??!?!?!?

Last year it was good....
I had my Mimi, we had jokes, did our work... we were productive, and we worked hard...!
These so called friends i have now.... what the hell do they think they're doing wrestling in the canteen??? Don't they have a lesson to get to???
Do they really expect to pass their A Levels?!?

Hawwwww, I'm off to roughly plan my essays on Duck & Lee and the Dissolution of Relationships...

*My hatred for everything and everyone and "I can't be arsed"-ness in this post is probably due to ToM delaying his visit... My hormones are all over the place and i'm dying for my period...*

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