Sunday, September 17, 2006

Virgin Pregnancy...

I've suffered symptoms of Virgin Pregnancy quite a few times now... and it seems it's contagious...

Virgin Pregnancy - missing your period for more than 2 months, and thinking your pregnant even though you haven't touched a guy like that...

When i was doing my GCSE's, I had one period every 4 months it seemed... and at one point i went 6 months without ToM... I still got bloated though, and my breasts grew a bit too...
It wasn't long before i was being asked by neices, friends, aunties, strangers etc etc, how i got myself into that situationg...
I was soo confuzzled! but when they pointed at my "bump" (my wobbly over hang bit of belly!) i clocked on...
and i thought and thought and thought.... and i became more worried, more paranoid, and more panicky...
"I'm having a baby.."
the paranoid thoughts got sooo bad, that i went to doctors in tears...
now the doctor obviously decoded my ramblings and thought i had very irregular periods and maybe something in my womb (i'm guessing!) and so she sent me to a gynaecologists to get an ultra sound done...

the minute i saw the letter, i burst in to tears and called Shaaf... "i'm REALLY pregnant!!!"
the ultra sound scan was fine, although when the woman was like "you can go to the toilet, but only half go" i was soooo confuzzzled! and had to stay an extra hour so i could fill up on water again *rolls her eyes*

I've had lots more "i'm pregnant moments" since... but usually a mate calms me down, and reminds me, i've never been THAT intimate with a guy, for there to be any worry...

What's more funnier, is since hearing about my "pregnancy" lots of friends have had it too....

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